Florida Gordon Rule: Requirements and Guidelines for College Writing Courses

The Florida Gordon Rule: A Vital Component of Higher Education

As a law enthusiast, I am constantly amazed by the intricate details and nuances of the legal system. One such fascinating aspect is the Florida Gordon Rule, a regulation that has significantly impacted higher education in the state of Florida.

The Florida Gordon Rule, established in 1975, mandates that students must complete a set of writing and mathematics courses in order to graduate with a bachelor`s degree. This rule aims to ensure that students possess essential communication and quantitative reasoning skills, which are crucial for success in both academic and professional endeavors.

Key of Florida Gordon Rule

The Florida Gordon Rule consists of several key components, including:

Component Description
Writing Courses Students must complete at least 24,000 words of instructor-evaluated writing, with a minimum of 3,000 words in the form of essays.
Mathematics Courses Students must complete at least 6 semester hours of college-level mathematics coursework, with an emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Impact of the Florida Gordon Rule

Since its inception, the Florida Gordon Rule has had a profound impact on higher education in the state. For example, a study conducted by the Florida Department of Education found that students who completed the Gordon Rule writing courses demonstrated significant improvements in their writing skills and overall academic performance.

Furthermore, the Florida Gordon Rule has been praised for its role in equipping students with the essential skills needed to thrive in the 21st-century workforce. Employers consistently emphasize the importance of strong communication and critical thinking abilities, both of which are cultivated through the Gordon Rule requirements.

Challenges and Controversies

While Florida Gordon Rule has brought about outcomes, has faced fair share of and. Argue that writing mathematics requirements may excessive on students, those non-STEM majors.

Looking Future

As look future, is to evaluating refining Florida Gordon Rule ensure effectively meets of students evolving of workforce. Doing can value of higher education and students to in complex competitive world.

Frequently Asked Questions about Florida Gordon Rule

Question Answer
What is the Florida Gordon Rule? The Florida Gordon Rule is a requirement that all students must complete at least 12 credit hours of coursework that involves substantial writing, with an emphasis on writing to communicate. Aims develop students` skills and thinking abilities.
Who is affected by the Florida Gordon Rule? All students public in University System of Florida affected by Gordon Rule. This includes students pursuing associate and bachelor`s degrees.
What of satisfy Gordon Rule? Courses that satisfy the Gordon Rule must involve substantial writing (at least 4,000 words of instructor-evaluated writing). Courses be various including history, science, psychology, and more.
Are exemptions Gordon Rule? Yes, exemptions for who completed coursework at a accredited or demonstrate in writing through means, as by university.
What happens if a student fails to meet the Gordon Rule requirements? Failure satisfy Gordon Rule result student unable to or degree requirements. Is for students ensure fulfill writing to any complications.
How does the Gordon Rule impact transfer students? Transfer must demonstrate they have met Gordon Rule at their or fulfill writing through at their institution.
Can student a regarding Gordon Rule? Yes, have right to decisions to the Gordon Rule. Can evidence of coursework or in writing to their appeal.
Are guidelines instructors Gordon Rule courses? Yes, instructors Gordon Rule are to substantial assignments and effective to students to in their of writing skills.
How does Gordon Rule students their and pursuits? The Gordon Rule helps students develop thinking and skills, which for in their and professional It them with the to articulate ideas and persuasively.
Is Gordon Rule to Florida or is in states? While Gordon Rule is to other have writing-intensive aimed at students` and thinking abilities. Reflects emphasis on the of writing in higher education.

Florida Gordon Rule Contract

This contract is entered into on this day between the Board of Trustees of the University of Florida, hereinafter referred to as “the University”, and the student, hereinafter referred to as “the Student”. Contract the and of Student in the Florida Gordon Rule.

Section 1 – Definitions
The Florida Gordon Rule: The Florida Gordon Rule is a state regulation that requires students to complete a designated number of writing-intensive courses as part of their general education curriculum.
The University: The University refers to the Board of Trustees of the University of Florida, its faculty, staff, and administrators.
The Student: The Student refers to the individual who is enrolled at the University and is subject to the requirements of the Florida Gordon Rule.
Section 2 – Obligations of University
The University offer sufficient of writing-intensive to the of Florida Gordon Rule.
The University provide advising support to students in the Florida Gordon Rule.
Section 3 – Obligations of Student
The Student enroll and complete required of writing-intensive as by Florida Gordon Rule.
The Student shall adhere to all academic policies and regulations set forth by the University in fulfilling the Florida Gordon Rule.
Section 4 – Governing Law
This contract be by laws of State of Florida and disputes from contract be in with laws of State of Florida.